We're not gonna put it off anymore. Today was the first day of Kindergarten! It's official, year 1 of 12/13 has begun. Eeeek! We're homeschooling...in a loose sort of way. I have wonderful, wise friends who are ahead of me on the path, helping me navigate...I bug them periodically with probing questions. And I consult this website often...here ya go, sweet friend, RTS.
While not exactly trembling, there is a level of trepidation...remember, I'm not comfortable with complete and total responsibility. So, let's just say, as I was waking up, I was feeling the pressure. But if today is any indication, I think we will both be fine.
We did our usual couch time, break, then table time. There was not much whining on either of our parts and we finished everything I had planned++++ in under 2 hrs. The efficiency of it makes so much sense to me. We even made bread and began to get organized for our maybe camping trip this weekend...still awaiting information on Sweet Man's next assignment. Now they're outside playing with most of the day ahead of us. And "cheers" to doing school with bedhead - 'cuz who cares!
Sweet Man told me yesterday that he has overheard Bean several times telling people, "My mom is my bwothuh's teachuh." She kept wondering today when she is going to start school. Not yet, dahling.
Ooooo, and we bought a s-weet new camera. It has certainly raised the bar on my photog ski-zills. I'm actually reading the manual...gasp. Get ready for a ker-squillion pictures of my babes. Just what you want to see....
There's Bean in her ubiquitous brown dress...eating Cheez-Its off the floor like a kitty. She does a great job entertaining herself.
Here's hoping your having a close to normal day.