Better than a rain dance, just plan a pool day with me...I'll roll into the parking lot and so will the storm clouds. We're 3 for 4 in swim dates cut short by thunder. Oh, well.
Soooooo....I never told you about the walk, did I? Well, because of your support I was able to donate over $300 to the cause. Whoa! Thanks to you!
Two sweet friends walked with me. Meeting up with the other walkers at a park, we arrived early (never happens...) and got situated with our fanny packs (no, not really.) After registering and meeting the walk organizers, we headed to the little girls room (all three of us being bladder-challenged) and emerged to get our walk on. Armed with route maps, we walked towards the park entrance and came to the first leg of the route, but we couldn't get a visual on the group that had begun before us, so we weren't sure which direction to start. Another pocket of people gathered a bit later and aimed us in the right direction. Whew.
A young high school student had organized the Columbus walk. On a mission the previous year, she was changed by the people she met in Cambodia. She felt compelled to do something in her part of the world to help those halfway around it. What a powerhouse and what an honor to meet her. She's the kind of person I want to be when I grow up. We walked for a bit with her mom.
Being bladder challenged made for an interesting walk through residential streets and others with office buildings closed for the weekend, but we made do...always do.
About mile 9, I started to feel a little hitch in my giddy-up and we declared that mile the "cool-down." Sweet friends were troopers...even the one with a bum knee...I didn't know it even bothered her until days after the walk.
We finished in about 3 1/2 hours with a half-time break at McD's. Not bad and the weather was just right, warm but a bit overcast.
I'm planning to go back year after year. And the intrepid HS student is communicating about other showings that bring more awareness to our community, press releases. Human trafficking is a global issue, happening all over the world, including the states. Much work to be done.
Here are three more intrepid ladies beating back the darkness in Cambodia. They are the ones loving on the kids, offering safety, compassion, and help for the kids caught in it. The money you donated, in addition to that donated around the country supports the centers they run.
Thank you.