Preservation in operation here. Gotta give props to my in-laws for much this week.
Last Saturday, they delivered our chest and sound back to us. {Bear with me for a little explanation: Two and a half years ago we moved out of the house in preparation for Sweet Man's work adventures carrying us around the country. We intended to sell our house quickly {*cough* right} and that we would not live here again. After purging many items, things we wanted to keep were moved to Sweet Man's parents. The house didn't sell, the traveling is slowing down. We've been around a bit but I'm feeling the need to plug back in to a we are.}
We received some delicious corn {peaches & cream} from them. In cooking all of it for our supper, the kids and I couldn't finish it, so I decided to freeze the leftovers. I remembered a tip I once heard about cutting corn of the cob: place cob in the middle of a bundt pan and cut kernels off into the surrounding cake pan, making sure to run the back of the blade down the cob to get the yummy creamy bits. It worked so well...just a bit bothersome getting all of those precious gems out of the grooves of the pan.
I also put up more shredded zucchini...{tell me, why is it that a squash looks so much smaller on the vine that I think to myself give it a few more days, it's not ready yet and then when we do pick it, it's monstrous?} The only thing to do is core and shred. My MIL brought some new freezer bags that use the little vacuum to suck the air out. Put to good use tonight.We now have 8 qt. bags stashed.
Made some kale chips today...wish I could say it was my homegrown kale. Jury's still first batch was too done; the second, much better.
Tomatoes are everywhere, from our garden, the in-laws and my dad's place. Most of them are of the poppable size...not can-able or freeze-able. But yum!
No berries, this year...been too busy to go pick. Boo.
AND Sweet Man's parents kept my kiddos for a few days so that I could paint Bean's new room...separate from her big brother. I have some more work to do before I share pics.
We hope to be hitting the road I may be back soon to tell you all about our travels. And while we are gone, my big boy tomatoes will be falling off the vine. Riveting stuff, this life of mine.