How do I even begin to tell you about this wedding without losing my questionable grip on decorum?
Bah...I'm just gonna tell you about this incredible wedding.
Bah...I'm just gonna tell you about this incredible wedding.
Oh, my word, it. was. grand.
this is the conservatory the day after the ceremony...without the arbor beautifully decorated with flowers...but it gives you an idea
Really, the bride and her family thought of everything and lavished it on the guests. Goody bags at hotel check-in. A birthday cake at the reception for one of the flower girls.
The ceremony was perfect...sentimental and poignant (those readings always get me;) structured, but rolled with the realities of the day (the priest was tardy, you see.) Most of all, it was joyous.
The significance of the seating of the guests had never occurred to me before this wedding. (And I swear, I am not stretching the metaphor for blog's really is what I was thinking during the ceremony.) We sat on Nick's side...and at first, I thought I wish I could see more of his face and his expressions. But it struck me that sitting behind him is meaningful. We are literally and figuratively behind the one with whom we have experience, history, familial ties:: this man that I've known since he toddled alongside his sisters is the one we entrust to this woman. The kid I've known all his life is a smart, compassionate, talented man and becoming a husband. I was able to see the face of his beloved who I do not know as well. She gazed at him and whispered with a smile. Love emanated from her eyes. It was one of those moments where probably for them, it felt like no one else was in the room. But they graciously shared it with us.
Then the reception.... While the wedding party was posing for the last of the pictures, we were escorted into a cocktail hour. Drinks flowed and unbelievable hor d'oeuvres were passed by sassy servers. So fun....
I was able to catch up with some other cousins of Nick's who just recently lost their mother. I suggested that we're not kind of cousins anymore but more like sisters in our experience. They may not want to claim me as theirs, but I'm not askin', I'm tellin'. I've always wanted a sister.
I was able to catch up with some other cousins of Nick's who just recently lost their mother. I suggested that we're not kind of cousins anymore but more like sisters in our experience. They may not want to claim me as theirs, but I'm not askin', I'm tellin'. I've always wanted a sister.
The wait staff gently ushered us into the beautiful ballroom where a four course meal was served throughout the evening, punctuated by dance breaks. Or maybe it was the other way around...dancing stopped so we could eat?
I had new conversations with people I've known forever...but I got to know them better or differently...I love good conversation. We were seated at a table with some of my favorite people ever. I may have told them something to that effect...once or twice...the levels of mushy-o-city I reach after a glass of champagne....embarrassing, really.
I had new conversations with people I've known forever...but I got to know them better or differently...I love good conversation. We were seated at a table with some of my favorite people ever. I may have told them something to that effect...once or twice...the levels of mushy-o-city I reach after a glass of champagne....embarrassing, really.
She danced with her daddy to this song....
Yes, all of us, puddles on the floor.
He adores his bride...that is plain to see. Their love is fun to watch.
Much love and many blessings, Nick and Vanessa!