Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You.
Psalm 63:3

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

big news

She's reading!!! I know it may not seem big...but as of last week she was just messing around and guessing. We've gone from letter/sound confusion to a clear understanding that the letters on the page have certain sounds each time we see them. Milestone!!!

I can't believe that my job is to hang out with these amazing people and watch them become what God wants them to be ~ pinch me, please.

{P. S. It's long...just wanted you to be a part of our days!}

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We spent a fantastic {and sweltering} camping weekend with some of our favorite people. I took entirely too many pictures of our kiddos...bordering on the intrusive, but flinging a "you'll thank me in 20 years" at the reluctant subjects.

we fished, we swam {so hot,} we ate {still dreaming about that granola, JRS,} we played

{each camping trip, I challenge myself to make something in the dutch oven on the open fire {I should probably stop}...this trip, I tried Granny's fruit cobbler using the peaches from Grandma and Grandpa J and blueberries we picked with Opa

it was a little crispy around the edges, but worked okay...tasted'd be better with ice cream, but I haven't figured out how to camp for four days keeping ice cream cold...let me in on the secret if you have}

Daddy arrived to meet us a day after we got to and sound from Tennessee. Home {well, camp home.} Together. 

To round out our trip, we met friends at another campground for a night, opting for a cabin in the rain instead of a tent. Wise choice. We swam indoors, ate cheap pizza, and played bingo with dozens of other campers. I won twice...9 bucks {enough to pay for the pizza} and left as soon as people started glaring at me.

Now we're home {real mortgaged home.}

Fifteen hours...the number of hours asleep I've had in the last 24. Blissful. There was the quick go-back-to-sleep, snuggling with my best boy as the rain fell outside our cabin. A cat nap on the car ride home. An honest to goodness sack out after the great unpacking. And then starting a family movie at 9:30. {I mean, come on...that's not even giving me a fair chance.}

I must have needed it. My annoying cough and cold must have needed it.

So, the house is a wreck...we're assimilating his stuff with our reminds me of getting married. And there's the soggy, muddy laundry and the food that stayed in the cooler too long to deal with. All very much worth the weekend fun.

I'm loving the nip of fall in the air...fully recognizing that it may not last...but I'm ready for it.

Goodbye, summer. Hello, autumn. Hello, Sweet Man. I'm going to wrap myself up in you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

more harvest

Carrots...a friend was surprised that we could grow them in an Ohio summer. {I'm surprised that we can grow anything in an Ohio summer with my annual case of it's-the-end-of-July-I'm-over-it neglect.)

Bug carried in 2, then three, then 5 and 6 carrots at a time for about a week and before we knew it we had a veggie drawer full.

Bug: Can we make a carrot cake? {Has he ever tasted carrot cake? I don't think so.} 

me: Of course, what a great idea! We'll take it to our picnic on Saturday.

shredding is hard work

Friday, we baked. Saturday, we decorated, shared and enjoyed.

Some of you may be thinking clever boy wearing his carrot shirt. Nope, it just happens to be his favorite shirt (from his daddy) and he wore it both days we worked on the cake.

If you're keeping track, like I am...Sweet Man returns home in 3 days for good...very good.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

first day of school

we prayed, pledged, read, & snuggled

we discussed the fruits of the spirit while noshing on fruity kabobs

we counted, practiced our phone number and address, wrote compound words

we cut, identified letter sounds, subtracted 9's

we stayed on schedule {huzzah!} thanks to Bug

we marked the day with a pose

{moments before this, Bean had a beaming smile on her face as she wore her floor length velvet skirt and high heeled patent pumps...I asked her to dress for first day pictures, after all. I offered 3 optional more casual skirts to change into and she begrudgingly did so. She made sure I didn't forget she was not happy about the wardrobe change.}

we celebrated our day with a new board game {a total blast...} and banana splits for dinner {perhaps, not such a good idea}

and just before drifting off tonight, she asked do we get to do school again tomorrow?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

home again {& poor grammar}

Tonight we returned from our North Carolina trip. There's a thin layer of sand on everything, the washer's whirring, and I'm trying to sort the discs of the 3 audio books we listened to in the car. Oy.

What a great adventure to wrap up the summer. Thanks for letting us crash your party, Grammy A! 

I looooooove the beach...everything about it...the smell, the seaweed, the barking sound of dry sand as I walk to the boardwalk...the warm, salty water, at least until my throat aches for fresh water. {Pardon my tangent: my favorite beach is Arecibo, Puerto Rico...beautiful sand with shallow blue water with the extra bonus of a freshwater stream carving a path to the sea.}

This trip was to Caswell Beach...just south of Wrightsville Beach, where I lived for a bit. Mostly we beached ~ morning walks on the soft sand, midday swims and digging, evening crab hunts. There was a little thrifting and eating in Southport {a fun town down the beach.} Even a bit of hanging out with new family. Bean had a bit of pink around her eyes {seems to be where she always gets sunburn} but the rest of us left without any significant sun damage...success.

And in the spirit of The Adventures of Billy and JJ,  here is the kids' version of the trip:

Bean: I liked the dogs {Opa and Grammy A's,} that we got to see them and I got to pet them. I like *Grammy A* at the beach and I like the beach that we went boogey-boarding and that it was her birthday and your birthday and that we gave her presents and got to see her open them and she gave you some presents and we got to see you open them. {Wowza~ grammar's gonna be a blast with her, no?}

Bug: At the beach, I loved boogey-boarding, looking for crabs and periwinkles, trying to free Bean from the sand pile {Opa buried her up to her head.}

It was a perfect last hurrah to this gypsy adventure. Big news: it's almost over...this wandering life. Sweet Man has taken a job back here in the close-to-home office, beginning next month. Back to a normal schedule...with all of us in the same place most of our days. It's time...we need to be together, in one place. But it's bittersweet because we had so much fun traveling.

He'll have two weeks off before he starts. Better start school soon because I know I'll want to play hooky when he does. 

{It has been two years today since Mom died.}

Sweet Man just pulled in the driveway for a long weekend home. 17 days since we parted.

I'm gonna go get me a hug.

Monday, August 15, 2011

beach bums

{again with the turning the camera on its side}

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Berry fever

A summer without berries???? Almost.

Berry count for 2011 thus far: we skipped strawberries, were on the road during black raspberry week {my faves,} and my blackberry source said it didn't look good this year. Oh, bother.

When Opa murmured something about picking blueberries, I didn't get my hopes up...sure they would be dashed by something.

Hopes fulfilled. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is there anything better than catching up with a lifelong friend?



...watching our kiddos become friends. 


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Preservation in operation here. Gotta give props to my in-laws for much this week.

Last Saturday, they delivered our chest and sound back to us. {Bear with me for a little explanation: Two and a half years ago we moved out of the house in preparation for Sweet Man's work adventures carrying us around the country. We intended to sell our house quickly {*cough* right} and that we would not live here again.  After purging many items, things we wanted to keep were moved to Sweet Man's parents. The house didn't sell, the traveling is slowing down. We've been around a bit but I'm feeling the need to plug back in to a we are.}

We received some delicious corn {peaches & cream} from them. In cooking all of it for our supper, the kids and I couldn't finish it, so I decided to freeze the leftovers. I remembered a tip I once heard about cutting corn of the cob: place cob in the middle of a bundt pan and cut kernels off into the surrounding cake pan, making sure to run the back of the blade down the cob to get the yummy creamy bits. It worked so well...just a bit bothersome getting all of those precious gems out of the grooves of the pan.

I also put up more shredded zucchini...{tell me, why is it that a squash looks so much smaller on the vine that I think to myself  give it a few more days, it's not ready yet and then when we do pick it, it's monstrous?} The only thing to do is core and shred. My MIL brought some new freezer bags that use the little vacuum to suck the air out. Put to good use tonight.We now have 8 qt. bags stashed.

Made some kale chips today...wish I could say it was my homegrown kale. Jury's still first batch was too done; the second, much better.

Tomatoes are everywhere, from our garden, the in-laws and my dad's place. Most of them are of the poppable size...not can-able or freeze-able. But yum!

No berries, this year...been too busy to go pick. Boo.

AND Sweet Man's parents kept my kiddos for a few days so that I could paint Bean's new room...separate from her big brother. I have some more work to do before I share pics.

We hope to be hitting the road I may be back soon to tell you all about our travels. And while we are gone, my big boy tomatoes will be falling off the vine. Riveting stuff, this life of mine.

Friday, July 29, 2011

ch-ch-ch-changes {pt. 2}

Central calendar wall with chalkboard paint...brilliant.

{I can say that because I didn't come up with the idea.}

Man, not many August plans...wanna help me fill it in? 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

yarn along

I'm joining Ginny at small things where she spotlights two of her {and my} favorite things, knitting and reading.

Here is a peek at what's in my knitting bag today:

Monday, July 25, 2011

ch-ch-ch-changes {pt. 1}

As with many things I have a love/hate thing going with our house. I mean, we weren't supposed to be living here again, right? But here we are...God had different plans. And it's a good house.

There's no more living in-the-meantime, so I've undertaken some projects. A couple changes on the first floor have helped with a more settled, organized, make-it-my-own-again vibe.

The love-hate balance is tipping slightly back to the love side.

a thrifted dresser to organize hide our school stuff, subsequently skeeving my bed-bug phobic husband 
{I found it with this paint on it...perfect color, just enough shabbiness}

the $2 globe was spotted by my MIL at a garage sale - she has thrifty eyes
{can bedbugs stowaway in a globe? see the world and all, right?}

earlier this spring I made the roman shades...and curtains and a table runner ~ went a little crazy with *burlap love*

I realize our corner smacks of a swimming shrine with the ribbons and trophies {merely for participation on the team.} They were stored in the kids' rooms, but whenever we have visitors they race up to retrieve them and show them off. They'll soon be put back.

And I am now noticing that I will have to find some more significant shelving if I am to homeschool two kiddos in this house {beginning in about 4 weeks...eeeek}...another surprise plan. Really, I thought we'd be in a different house by now with a different floor plan. But it's all good.

I'll share another little change that makes me happy...soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


{Whaaaaaat? Two posts in two days...could it be? Is the blahggy slump over? Don't become overheated with excitement...probably won't last...I can always think of reasons not to write.}

Just wanted to share these pics of two kiddos whose mother banished them to the out-of-doors for their excessive bickering, closed her eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, looked out the window expecting to see misery and moping and instead saw this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Traffick Jam recap-long overdue

Better than a rain dance, just plan a pool day with me...I'll roll into the parking lot and so will the storm clouds. We're 3 for 4 in swim dates cut short by thunder. Oh, well.

Soooooo....I never told you about the walk, did I? Well, because of your support I was able to donate over $300 to the cause. Whoa! Thanks to you!

Two sweet friends walked with me. Meeting up with the other walkers at a park, we arrived early (never happens...) and got situated with our fanny packs (no, not really.) After registering and meeting the walk organizers, we headed to the little girls room  (all three of us being bladder-challenged) and emerged to get our walk on. Armed with route maps, we walked towards the park entrance and came to the first leg of the  route, but we couldn't get a visual on the group that had begun before us, so we weren't sure which direction to start. Another pocket of people gathered a bit later and aimed us in the right direction. Whew.

A young high school student had organized the Columbus walk. On a mission the previous year, she was changed by the people she met in Cambodia. She felt compelled to do something in her part of the world to help those halfway around it. What a powerhouse and what an honor to meet her. She's the kind of person I want to be when I grow up. We walked for a bit with her mom.

Being bladder challenged made for an interesting walk through residential streets and others with office buildings closed for the weekend, but we made do...always do.

About mile 9, I started to feel a little hitch in my giddy-up and we declared that mile the "cool-down." Sweet friends were troopers...even the one with a bum knee...I didn't know it even bothered her until days after the walk.

We finished in about 3 1/2 hours with a half-time break at McD's. Not bad and the weather was just right, warm but a bit overcast.

I'm planning to go back year after year. And the intrepid HS student is communicating about other showings that bring more awareness to our community, press releases. Human trafficking is a global issue, happening all over the world, including the states. Much work to be done.

Here are three more intrepid ladies beating back the darkness in Cambodia. They are the ones loving on the kids, offering safety, compassion, and help for the kids caught in it. The money you donated, in addition to that donated around the country supports the centers they run.

Thank you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

what up?

whatchya been doin? 
who am I kidding, is there anyone even here still...

tap, this thing on?

what do you want to know?
no, actually...what do I want to remember from the last whirlwind weeks:

  • long good morning hugs
  • waking up girl stretched across my lap, watching Fraggle Rock...old school
  • margaritas with friends
  • best popcorn ev-ah at the drive-in
  • sunset during worship at Creation
  • bubblegum bubble blowing contests
  • chore charts...that actually work
  • dirty, filthy mini-feet...sure sign of a good day: when you have to scrub before bed
  • boy who does what momma asks after only one request...I have countless examples
  • hours of books on CD
  • actually turning in reading charts for summer reading program...huzzah!
  • friends following on interstate when the unexpected happens
  • van with new smile (remember last summer's mishap? oh yeah, I never gave you the whole story...oops) and one new very special tire
  • good books
  • new babies with forever families...sniff & smile
  • incredible young men who don't mind hanging out with middle-agers and school-agers (Susan, your boys are fantastic...and doppelganger alert: K reminds us so much of our nephew...wonderfully weird...the similarities, not the boys)
  • embracing the people in my life as my family 
  • fireworks
  • campfire hair
  • Sweet Man...keeping the place running
  • hotel nights
  • Sonic ice
  • my out-stand-ing swimmer - Bean likes to walk to the wall to finish a race, afterwards exclaiming "I didn't know I could touch there, Mom!"
  • wet hair and AC on a hot day
  • carnie fries with malt vinegar
  • painting rooms with wise friends
  • watching a parade
  • clean sheets dried on the line

Moments make life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

water babies

Soggy and alternating installments. Lots of sun...the babes have been toasted too many times already this short summer. Whoops.

There have been two magical weekends with Daddy in Dayton: last week, we found a relaxing, public pool (I know...those two adjectives are rarely together in describing a pool) and a movie date with Daddy (Kung Fu Panda 2).

This weekend, we've been putt-putting, visiting the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (early years exhibit,) lunching at the Cheesecake Factory, playing in a sprayground and participating in Water Wars.

The first swim meet of the season (with luau theme) was organized chaos...confirmation that it's the sport for us, for this season of our lives. Bean opted not to swim as she is still building her strength to make it across the 25 meter pool. Bug has caught the swim bug, racing in two freestyle events and soaking up the team atmosphere. He swam the 25m free (5th place) and on his age group's free relay (1st place.)The coaches are fantastic and expose us to an aspect of the team I had forgotten...with ages 4 to 18 the neatest relationships develop between young and older swimmers.

Swimming wore us out last week. We had practice each day and a short meet on Wednesday. Bean had an hour nap on Thursday afternoon and slept until 8:30 Friday morning...both unusual occurrences. I didn't have the heart or the energy to wake her up and get to 8am practice again. It's a good thing attendance is not mandatory.

P.S. I haven't loaded my photo software on my new laptop yet, so my pics are SOOC (straight out of camera.) And apparently, I see every shot in portrait.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Well, hello there

I received a new computer this weekend to replace the former, very cantankerous one...and for that I am grateful. So, I'm back in this space. I already like this laptop better than the old.

Should I try to catch y'all up on the last couple months? Many of you already know:  it's been a tough, sweet time...comforting to be in our home and challenging to be without my Sweet Man. About 4 weeks into a 5 week trip, I threw my typical tantrum...having a hard day that spiraled into feeling sorry for myself, isolated and abandoned. Still getting used to the circumstances of my life through all the change in the last 3 years. Boo hoo, right? I was not fit for human company. Yes, my poor kids had to endure.

The kicker is that heartache and crisis continue to swirl around the lives of crises, monumental life changes, consuming busy-ness...just got swallowed up by my own junk again and have been no help to anyone. 

There's been some hard work on the house {lost our carport in a strong wind ~ good riddance,} yard {new fence up and stray cat-proofed,} and pool {up and running!!!! just needs some new-to-us patio ...chairs.} 

Good stuff, too. The kids {and I} took a 7 week nature class...fantastic experience. We've connected with some friends. Finished Bug's 1st grade year ~ well, almost. Celebrated the matriarch of Sweet Man's family with a fun afternoon.

I rejoiced with happy tears upon news that Sweet Man is back in the same state as us after 6 weeks in South Carolina, Alabama, or Mississippi, helping clean up the aftermath of storms. Crazy weather this spring, no? Keeping my man and his team very busy.

We've made some decisions about life that have me feeling a bit more settled...remaining in the house for the time being, choosing a new church to attend, and praying for Sweet Man as he keeps his eyes on the horizon for a job posting that will bring him home to stay. 

I'm feeling the pervasive joy that comes to me each summer season. I love windows open, new freckles, clothes on the line, watching storms on the porch, digging in the garden. Oh, and the return of the Friday morning occupation...yard sales...searching for patio furniture, but finding oh, so much more. 

And a little bit of extra excitement is that the kiddos have joined a local swim team...SVP Stingrays. I'm tickled about it...I swam on the same team until I was 12...when we were called the SVP Nators...{whaaaa? the SVP who?...hence the name change.} I must qualify...I am the slowest and least proficient swimmer in my extended aqua-heroic the point of having my last name questioned because I didn't live up to it. But I am thrilled to give my kids the chance to experience a taste of the magic of growing up at Spring Valley and to watch them develop solid stroke technique in a safe and fun environment. The season will keep us busy for several weeks. We're off to our first formal practice in a few minutes. Stay tuned for swimming stats and pictures of black and red suits.

And on the weekends, we'll be traveling back and forth to Dayton to see Sweet Daddy on his Sundays' off.

So that's the news here from Prone to Wander. Be back soon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

yarn along

I'm joining Ginny over at small things in her loves of reading and knitting.

My knits and my reading are out of the norm for me, but both enjoyable.

For Christmas, my kids received the movie "Despicable Me" from cousins. We watched it as a family and it was so cute. Since, we've quoted these little guys and giggled every time we see them. I found my pattern for them on my little minions will find them in their Easter baskets.

The book: Choosing to See. We've always enjoyed listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's music and friends sang "I Will Be Here" at our wedding ceremony. I remember learning of the tragedy his family had endured and crying for them. I wanted to hear Mary Beth speak at Women of Faith, but couldn't get there last year. 

Her book is raw and real. I think I can attribute some of my own tenderness recently to being in the midst of their story. Their family has allowed God to redeem their heartache and now they share it with power and grace. 

And the last pic is a little project we tackled today from Family Fun magazine.  Silly and fun. Bug's have cheeks because the "dye-vers" are holding their breath. And Bean's have eyelashes, of course.

Monday, April 18, 2011

morning's light

This morning in my Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals, the prayer of contemplation is Even in the darkness, we will trust that our lives are still in Your hands.

Cool, huh?

I'm sending my laptop in for repairs again, I'll probably be off line for 10 days. {I know ridiculous.} I can still receive and send emails on my phone, or you can call.

Probably just the thing to do during Holy Week, slow down and think on my Savior.

Traffick Jam update:
A friend is joining me in the walk {I think} and I've heard from several sponsors {Thank you!!!!.} I'm not going to bug anyone...but if you would like to pledge $10 or more, that'd make walking all the more worthwhile. Just email, call, or stop me and sign my pledge sheet.

I'm going with the slumber party at my house {seems silly to raise money on a cause and then blow the same amount on a hotel room and eating out.} I can sleep 7 and already have 2 me know.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

hello, darkness, my old friend

Random {& some depressing} thoughts:

  • Melancholy has descended lonely without Sweet Man. I didn't have time to get my head around the reality of him leaving before it became so. 
  • At church last night, I again felt so alone...almost invisible. It's not a completely new feeling, but it is in that building. I'm sure I gave off a don't-mess-with-me vibe. Music and message were great. Of course, I didn't go up for prayer and snuck out during the last song. Didn't give anyone a chance to see me. I'm thinking it is a spiritual divide-and-conquer and I'm the one being isolated at this moment.
  • I usually am under the impression that I am open book emotionally. Finding that not to be exactly true...I mistake my awkward sharing too much, too soon as being open with my feelings. Somehow I need to make people work to really get to know me, to make sure they really want to...none of this wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve stuff. 
  • Don't we all know some  Eeyores? I don't want to be one. Actually, I've tried on that role and in turn driven people away from me with my misery. {Of course, readers of this blog, have a head start on Joe Blow on the street.You can keep a wide berth.} In my head I hear things like, don't be a burden, you're problems aren't as big as theirs, she's just being polite in asking.
  • But pursuit wears my stubborn heart down. The fleshy part of me wants people to chase me and not let me go until I share my struggles with wrong of me. And then there's the habit of saying, "oh, I'm okay." On about the third "no, really, how are you doing?" I'll start to share the truth. Or just burst into tears. 
  • Never have learned to graciously, gently ask for help or to count on someone being willing. I've had to ask more in the past couple of years...but then have the nerve to be choosy about what kind of help I'll accept. Nice.
  • In every facet of my life, God's asking me to examine my expectations of people. Again.
  • We had a day with no plans. I woke up this morning and wondered how to fill the next 10 hours. All was kids are terrific, you know.
  • Several of my relationships are undergoing a change of some sort. One has reached a clear point of "it's no longer okay to treat me this way." I've finally had the courage to say as much to the other person involved. And that's a step in the right direction. 
  • I don't think my pink Chucks are gonna get me through all of this, but your prayers would help.
  • My stepmother is becoming a cherished friend. {I'm not sure that's traditionally allowed...I'll have to do some rules research. :)} But I'm so surprised and delighted with that new relationship.
  • It occurred to me today that Sweet Man won't be home for his birthday or Easter. Duh. Now it's a scramble to get a care package together for him. He may be moved to North Carolina soon...I just may have to hand deliver it.

{Please no emails or comments. Thanks for getting this far with me. I'm emoting...not trying to elicit a response from you, dear readers. It helps just putting it out there in the universe. And we all know by now that I'll be better soon, especially with the prospect of Zumba Monday, a walking date Wednesday, and a coffee date Thursday when I get to see friends {and readers ;)} And then, of course, Easter celebrations this weekend.}

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

all in all, a pretty fantastic day

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

take two

I'm going to look outside myself for a bit...such a good idea...and get serious about this Traffick Jam walk coming up on May 7th. 

So, here it comes, the pitch. I need sponsors. In the next few weeks, I'll be asking everyone who stands still to consider sponsoring, including you. This is an opportunity for us to be Jesus to hurting children and to help rescue them  from the sex trade. Please click on the link and find out more for yourself. I'm so excited to do something I enjoy to help children on the other side of the world. And you can have a part in it, too.

Would you think about supporting me with $1 for each mile, 10 miles total...{or more, if you wanna?}

{And don't forget that I would like to have some kind of girls' getaway that night. I have a few ideas, but nothing planned yet. It may be as simple as coming to my house and having a slumber party with chocolate and wine, sans enfants. How can you say no to that? But I'm open to other inspirations, too.}

There are three ways you can be involved. If you would like to:
(1) walk with me {oh, i'd love that...walking and talking}
(2) sponsor me {i'd love that, too}
(3) join the girls' getaway {fun, fun and you can rub my feet!}

...please email me at gypsy{dot}amykate{at}gmail{dot}com and let me know how you want to take part....{replacing the parentheses with the actual symbols, of course.} I will be collecting your donations to turn in on the day of the walk. If you would rather donate directly {please tell me how much so I can include your gift in my total,} they can be mailed to:

Attn: Traffick Jam 2011
International Outreach Ministries
Administrative Offices
P.O. Box 2140
McComb, MS 39649

I walked 5 miles on Saturday {yowza} and 4 on Sunday...gotta keep up that pace to make it 10 miles.

Thank you in advance!

woe is me

It's good to be back from Illinois. The place is trashed already...makes me feel right at home.

A few things are crossed off our looming spring to-do list...but not enough.

We've been here 4 days and he received the call...he's being whisked away to South Carolina for a short {?} trip.

I know it'll be fine, but on this dreary day, I'm swept down the current.

There are days when I ask myself, Is traveling and sometimes being apart from your husband worth it? 

I would say to myself, It truly is during that magical, blissful stretch of days/weeks with Sweet Man at home with work-y and some extra pay-y. 
Self, aren'tcha tired of packing and unpacking and sleeping in different beds and driving and waiting for the phone to ring and saying goodbye to your husband for a week that inevitably turns into 3 so you pack up and go to him 'cause you're losing your mind just in time for him to be cut loose and you re-pack and head home?

Guess which answer I'm feeling today as I think that surely we're bound to get a stretch of blissful days off after 6 months on.

I trying to cope by perusing the Netflix reality TV genre, adding things to my I can try to get through without  my man {and live-in manny.}

So, wretchedly human on these days, grumbling {hopefully just here, so in real time you won't hear it} and looking to mindless distractions to get me through. Yuck.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

{short found} friend

Filling in the blanks of 17 years {!!!!!} didn't feel to me like we'd been apart that long. 

We couldn't recall how or where we met. Denison, of course, 1993...but neither of us could describe the moment. Admittedly, I wandered those years...foggy...for any number of reasons.

She became part of us, our family of friends, like she had been part of us forever.

No, scratch that bit...truth be told, I think we were pulled into her orbit. 

And we couldn't remember how we parted. It was an ebb and flow of transition...ends of semesters, nomadic life, following music of the moment, trying to figure it all out, reveries that led us down different paths; hers led to the coast of Costa Rica...inspired, mine led to a beach in North Carolina.

Her brave adventures, once myth, became clearer as she spoke. She shared her wisdom learned. The luster of dreams flakes off in the reality. And would we have it any other way?

Her experiences still make mine look like preschool playdates.

Which brings us full circle. Now we meet again on the same path...motherhood. Her with her three beauties, me with my cuties.

She shared her home and a bit of her city with us...a visit to the Children's Museum {she gets me..:) ,} a little Garrett's, and a deep dish. It was just right. Warming ourselves in her sunspot, volleying memories and things since. 

Today, I can't help but think I left too soon, especially if we let time get away from us again. 

We won't. Right, Mrs. Williams?